Read the review by The Express

Read the review by The Express
Motion Picture Capital has acquired the screen rights to the historical novel Operation Suicide: The Remarkable Story of the Cockleshell Raid. The story, based on real events, is written by military historian Dr Robert Lyman and depicts the daring raid of a German shipping base in Bordeaux by 12 British royal marines in 1942. Read…
The Jail Busters: The Secret Story of MI6, the French Resistance and Operation Jericho has been included in the prestigious CAS’ Reading List 2016.
Bob Pigeon of Da Capo Press in New York has announced that Perseus Books have secured world rights to Robert Lyman’s Headhunters, and published Spring 2016. Headhunters tells the previously untold story of the loss of USAAF Flight 12420 in August 1943 over the vast, jungled borders of northern Burma, deep within Japanese-held territory. Of…
Between 1942 and 1945 the Royal Navy engaged in a type of warfare so secret that very few people knew about it at the time, and few people have heard about since. It was extraordinarily tough work, and demanded unusually high standards of personal courage, physical fitness, determination, training and leadership from those engaged, not…
Richard Milner of Quercus has announced that he has commissioned Dr Robert Lyman to investigate the RAF raid on Amiens Prison in February 1944, widely but erroneously known as Operation Jericho and described as ‘mysterious’ by the late historian of the SOE, Professor Michael Foot. In recent years doubts have been cast on the original RAF account of…
Robert Lyman is advising and supporting a forthcoming major film production. World War II has long provided incredible stories for cinema: tales of remarkable bravery, terrible cruelty and heroism on all sides. But these stories so often seem to come from one place – the battlefields of Europe, or maybe the islands of the Pacific….
The launch of Japan’s Last Bid for Victory was held at the Army and Navy Club in November 2011, amongst 80 veterans of the battles for Kohima and Imphal between March and August 1944. Viscount Slim OBE was guest of honour. Viscount Slim gave a stirring speech at the launch of Robert Lyman’s new book,…
A discussion on the BBC World Service describing the first offensive use of airpower, by the Italian Army in Libya in November 1911.
On Saturday 9 April five historians battled it out at the National Army Museum in London to argue that their hero had the military ‘X Factor’, the audience of military enthusiasts got to vote and decide the winner. The five contenders came from across the centuries, Oliver Cromwell, The Duke of Wellington, The Duke of…